Prepare for your Boudoir Shoot with these Essential Tips
Okay, so you’re ready to book a boudoir shoot. But have NO idea where to start when it comes to getting ready for this. Girl, I GET IT. It is scary and random and new territory. But that is why I have written some tips to help you prepare. All of my boudoir babes get my FULL boudoir prep guide that answers questions from when to arrive to the shoot, what outfits to bring, and how to prepare the upcoming weeks, days and hours before the shoot begins PLUS what other essentials you should think about doing and bringing. But if you have not made that step to invest in your boudoir session with me yet, this post is to help you get ready and hopefully help you make that next step!
Tip #1: Pack your bag the night before
Have you ever left the house for something important, feeling nervous and excited, get halfway there and think, “oh shit I forgot to put on deodorant!” Yeah, me too. It helps to pack everything up that you plan to bring with you the day before the shoot, that way on the day of when all of the jitters hit you won’t have to worry about remembering anything other than that bag. I have learned this helps my photography business SO MUCH. Packing for shoots the day before helps me mentally prepare with a clear mind, because I know that the next day I will get a little bit nervous and I will probably forget something. So knowing that I already planned it all out the day prior brings an extra sense of preparedness. Plus, this gives time for your mind to think of other things between the time of packing and the time you leave to add more things if you need to. If you’re anything like me and have THE WORST short-term memory issues, I am constantly thinking of things I need to pack or even grab at the grocery store, which is why I need to plan things out ahead of time instead of going into it on a whim.
Tip #2: Bring extra of everything!
Don’t limit yourself to just 1 outfit for the shoot, bring 10 or 20! Bring anything you think will look sexy. Heels, jewelry, hair accessories, thigh-highs, bring all of the goodies. Think about this in different ways, too. Bring a few different looks. You could have two relaxing outfits that you find yourself wearing on the regular, maybe one or two sexy ones you throw on occasionally, and lastly bring something that may be out of your comfort zone. Always wanted to try taking nude photos, or maybe something leather? All ideas are on the table here! This doesn’t stop at outfits though, bring an extra set of clothing to leave in, too. Bring extra lotion, body spray, hair spray, makeup, nail polish, etc. Everything you might use to prepare for this day, BRING IT WITH YOU because you never know if you’ll break a nail on the way in, or a lash falls off. Just bring extra.
Tip #3: Take time to try on your outfits.
Okay, this is a really important one. There is nothing worse than trying on an outfit you just ordered online the day of the shoot to find out it doesn’t fit you right… and that was the one outfit you were most excited for. Try it on first. Bring a backup option, go back to tip #2 - bring extra! You will want to make sure the outfits you bring fit you well. Having items that are too loose or too tight is usually uncomfortable and ends up showing in the photos.
Tip #4: Drink lots of water.
So I hear that drinking 50% of your bodyweight in water is recommended… for this shoot take it up a notch! You might think you don’t want to get bloated so no. But on the contrary friends, drinking extra water actually helps cleanse out anything in your body that might be causing a bloat and also helps curb appetite. Try drinking an eight ounce cup of water before each meal, and then when you think you’re still hungry, drink another cup. Honestly, this helps me so much in my daily life.
Tip #5: Wear loose clothing on the day of the shoot.
I thought this was a no-brainer, but I myself even went into a shoot wearing tight leggings and ended up hating the fact that I could see the imprint of the inseam on my leg in almost every picture. UGH. Sweats and loose tops are perfect attire for arriving at the shoot. Tight clothing creates marks on our skin, especially on lighter complexions. These are super difficult to edit out. I can smooth skin all day long, but after too much it can either look like a scar or just like I am trying to hide something. Bring a second outfit if you made plans after to change into!
Tip #6: Avoid spray tanning.
Now some people do spray tan regularly, and if you are used to it and know what you’re doing, then great, skip this one. But if you are getting a tan for the shoot, let me give you some advice. Spray tans can be uneven if they aren’t done professionally, and often the flaws in spray tans show up more in photos than in real life. Because there is no movement, you can notice little things like that more easily. If you want to get a little bit of a glow before the shoot I suggest trying to use self-tanning lotion starting with the lowest tone first, and start this like a month before to make sure you like the way it looks. OR be like me and just accept your natural skin tone no matter what it looks like! This shoot is about embracing the way you look, not trying to look like an alternate version of yourself.
Tip #7: Treat yo’self.
Yep, I’m a Parks and Recs fan. But seriously, go pamper yourself for this! Boudoir is a luxury experience and you deserve to feel like royalty. Go all out. Get a manicure, pedicure, get those roots touched up, get a wax (try to do this 2 weeks before the shoot if you are doing this), get your teeth whitened. Not all of these are necessary, but they certainly do help in boosting your confidence and definitely elevate the photographs.
Tip #8: Make a confidence-boosting playlist.
Think about those songs that make you happy, the ones that you just can’t help but sing and dance along to. The songs that make you feel sexy and sassy. We can play this playlist during your shoot, because this shoot is for you!
Tip #9: Don’t assume all boudoir photographers are the same.
Do your research! Nothing worse than booking a photographer online that you’ve never met and walking into the shoot to realize they are not experienced, or make you feel uncomfortable. I always schedule a phone call with each potential client to make sure we can get to know one another so that you don’t feel as though I am a stranger. Find a photographer that has images you love, shows you about themselves, and someone that you vibe well with.
Tip #10: Have fun!
For most people, this is the first time ever experiencing boudoir. This experience is meant to bring joy and confidence into your life, so don’t stress too much! Have fun, relax, and let me make you feel like the queen you are.